• Employee experience is all about giving employees with an environment where they want, not required to come to work--a place where they can feel energized and free to be themselves to get their best work done. 

    Employee experience may look difficult, but it actually boils down to three environments : technological, physical, and cultural.


    Technological Environment. This consists of giving employees with the right tools to do their jobs--the internal social network, laptops, mobile devices, desktops, and video conferencing solutions, apps, and more. Employees can simply get discouraged if they are forced to utilize outdated programs or the wrong tools.

    • Physical Environment. The physical space is definitely that--what you see, touch, taste, and smell in the workplace. It associate everything from how the office is laid out to the demographics of the people who work there. It should make employees delighted to come to work.

    • Cultural Environment. This is all about how an company  and office feels. It is the clue you get when you walk in the door and the tone the workplace sets, which comes from the leadership style, sense of objective, organizational structure, people, and more.

    The Things that Employees Care About Most At Work

    From there, there are things that employees care most about at work. These attributes fall under the three environments and can give a more detailed framework for making the employee experience.

    Read More : Digital Business Transformation Reshaping HR Space

    To design considerable employee experiences and to make a place where employees absolutely want to show up, organizations must focus on a Reason for Being followed by 17 attributes that are abbreviated as ACE technology, COOL physical spaces, and a CELEBRATED culture.

    ACE Technology :

    • Feasible to everyone

    • Consumer grade technology

    • Employee needs vs business requirements (tools that catch into account how and why employees really work).

    Employees want the right tools to get the job done, and they want to be capable to get those tools simply without having to fight through red tape. Companies require to balance the hottest gadgets with what is best for the company and do it in a way that makes employees happy. This means making sure employees have input in the technology they utilize and that everyone is using cohesive systems that help the company reach its goals.

    COOL Physical Spaces :

    • Chooses to carry in friends or visitors (a considerable style to tell if employees are proud of their physical space)

    • Offers flexibility

    • Organization's values are emulated in the physical space

    • Leverages multiple workspace options 

    Not every employee loves the open office design that is so prominent these days, but most people do not want to work in cubicles, either. The best physical spaces give something for everyone and provide employees the option of flexible spaces to work. Physical space is an opportunity for the company to walk the walk and showcase their values like transparency, teamwork, and collaboration. If an organization prides itself on its inclusion, for example, the physical office space should reflect that.

    CELEBRATED Culture :

    • Company is viewed positively (by employees and the public)

    • Everyone feels valued

    • Employees feel like they are a part of a team

    • Legitimate sense of purpose

    • Believes in diversity and inclusion

    • Referrals come from employees

    • Capability to learn new things and given the resources to do so and advance

    • Treats employees fairly

    • Executives and managers are coaches and mentors

    • Dedicated to employee health and wellness

    Employees want to work for an organization that is appreciated and where they can feel great about their contributions. The culture comes down to how employees feel at work and the opportunities they have to collaborate, work in teams, learn, and advance. A positive culture act with everyone adequately and provides opportunities for employees to be themselves and bloom.

    What I found especially delightful is that every one of these attributes positively affects the employees and the organization as a whole. This is not one sided, so even by investing in the overall success of the company, the employee experience is also greatly affected positively. Everyone wins.

    If you want to learn more about The Things that Employees care about most at work then HR Training in Chandigarh is the right place for you.

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